Dependant on medicine


Salaam Alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakathu,

I am a woman from [private] who is a convert for one year. I am happy for this, thanks to Allah. Since long time, over 10 years,  I take a small amount of medicine for my depression, and anxiousness. Four times a year I try to quit with it. But it never works out. I feel very bad about this. Like I am not a good person. Can I life a good Muslim life with these medicines? Can I connect with Allah with Medicine? I am really worried about this. I feel like I am not a real person and I have a bad soul. Or, are these questions and worries my ego?

Thank you for your answer.


`Alaykum Salam,

Do not worry about medicines from a religious viewpoint. Your faith is safe in sha Allah and it does not affect your relationship with Allah Most High. With regular dhikr and salawat your heart will grow more and more tranquil and you can check with your doctor (not by yourself) if you can reduce or stop your prescription.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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