

I have a problem with overeating! I find it so hard to control myself, now that I know that Prophet Muhammad disliked it, I find my ego wants more and Shaytan is fueling it even more! And I cant help it, i try, I start and think today I ll control but its always the whispers that trap me! I used to be an anorexic/bulimic, I feel a psychological barrier, thinking I ll end up like before and become sick again and then I start eating and after that I cant stop! And I find the more I eat the more want to do sinful things,my salah gets effected too, I know its wrong, and it leads to sin but my ego and shaytan wont let me! Please for the sake of Allah and His Prophet help! I ll go crazy, its a constant everyday mental battle!


wa `alaykum salam,

One cannot win the battle against the four enemies of mankind by yourself: nafs (ego), dunya (love of the world), hawa (lust) and shaytan.

It is a famous saying: “who has no shaykh, shaytan is his shaykh.”

Take initiation with a living spiritual guide and that is the first step in defeating Shaytan, ego, desire and worldly desires.

W ‘Allahu `alam,

Taher Siddiqui

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