Assalamualaikum Shaykh,
I would like to ask Shaykh Hisham for something I could read or do to cure my health issues. I completed a Bachelors followed by a Masters degree, straight after I had experienced visual problems. I was referred to a hospital and soon after had an eye operation to remove a cataract but has made my vision worse. In fact so worse that doctors say it’s something related to the retina for which there is no cure. Now, I believe strongly Allah will cure me and would be very appreciative if you could advise me what I could do to restore my lost vision & remove issues causing my sight to deteriorate. Please make dua for me. I have recently been certified as partially sighted. Just adds 2 my hearing calamity as I have difficulty with hearing too.
Also Shaykh, is this black magic? Or nazar? Please give me a clear response ya Mawlana.
Wa `alaykum salam,
Mawlana Shaykh Hisham is praying for you.
This is a test. Be patient and recite du`a of blind man constantly.
Taher Siddiqui