schizophrenia while taking medicines


I read a previous answer on the site that says that if one has schizophrenia one has complete leeway in the Shariah. I have schizophrenia and i take medication. I still have symptoms however they are reduced. A lot of my delusions are delusions about religion so i have delusions and obsessions while im praying and also at other times. Does it make a difference if a person takes medication and it reduces their symptoms?


It increases reward. Allah has sent a remedy for every ailment so if you find something to alleviate your condition for the sake of Allah and betterment of yourself and your worship it multiplies your reward in at least two different ways: the effort made to worship Him despite impediments, and the reward of striving to come to Him not only with our bodies but with our minds as well.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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