Assalam-o-alaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakatuhu Ya Mawlana ,
Please accept our love and humble kiss on your feet.
My brother is sending you salam and seeking your holy blessings and dua for his health issue
Description of the disease: Spinal Steno sis and slip disc at lower back. Severe back pain and it radiates towards abdomen and thigh. Also pain in urinary tract some times and lower pelvic.
He is planning to go see a doctor on 16th of February’11.
Seeking your dua, pleasure , advise/direction Ya Saeidi.
Shukran .
Assalam-o-alaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakatuhu
wa ‘alaykum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakutuh,
Insha-Allah we will pray for him.
Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani
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