Assalamu alaikum hazad-e-qibla,
Today I am 21 years, and I am the addict of masturbate from last 8 years very badly.
I can’t live without doing that daily. Please allow some powerful wazifa to leave this bad addict. And give some wazifa to regain my men power. And please remember me in your precious dua specially Maulana Hishaam Sahab Qibla.
Thanking you
Walaikum salam,
InshaAllah Mawlana Shaykh Hisham praying for you. There are many postings on this issue on eShaykh. Go to the search box on the top right corner and type “mastur…..” Please read all of them carefully and you will find your solution.
As a mental practice engage in conversation with yourself to question yourself and challenge yourself to come out of it. Remember the guilty feeling and say to yourself I do not want to go through another guilt trip tomorrow and when tomorrow comes bring back the feeling of guilt and repentance that you had yesterday to stop you from doing it today.
Insha Allah slowly it will build up a support within you to go against the bad desire.
Syed Shahz