Hajj Advice


Below I will lay out different Hajj stages, although no specific zikr/wird can be found  in the prophetic tradition each stage people have said its good to do some zikr to keep focused. So please you ask Shaykh for particular zikr for the following stages:

1- zikr for when travelling from home to airport

2- zikr when in state of ihram heading towards Jeddah

3- zikr when traveling towards Makka

4- zikr when doing Sa’yee between the hills of Safa and Marwah

5- zikr when travelling to Mina and stay in Mina

6- zikr at Arafat

7- zikr when travelling yo Madina and in front on the blessed Roza

I might have missed out a few things hence Shaykh knows best on matter that are not to us. So any advice from them will be highly beneficial for this blessed journey.


See here and here.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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