Salams and love dear respected Sheikhs. My uncle is intending to do Hajj this year for his mother (Allah bless her). She passed away over 18 years ago and left no Will or money for anyone to this on her behalf. So the question is can you do Hajj for someone who has passed away if they have not instructed you or left any money to do it on there behalf? He has already performed his own Hajj a few years ago. My understanding was the person should have asked you and left money to do it on there behalf?
wa `alaykum salam,
The answer is categorical YES. There is plenty of evidence that both Hajj and umrah can be performed on behalf of a deceased Muslim or Muslimah.
Imam Senad Agic
Head Imam (IABNA)
The Islamic Association of Bosniaks in North America
American Islamic Center – Chicago