Assalamoualaikoum Ya sayyidi Mowlanah Shaik Hisham
1) I am planning Insha Allah to go for umrah and i would appreciate if you could let me know where in Makkah and Madinah are best recommended for acceptance of duah . For example, i was told that the prayers are not refused at the door of the kabah ,and in Madinah, if we ask duah towards the blessed feet of Rasullulah (saw) , prayers are not rejected but i don`t know where this area is. Please confirm.
2) I did Hajj 2 years ago. When i did the tawaf-e-ziara, i forgot whether i did 6 or 7 tawaf. it always worries me whether my hajj was valid because of that. Is there any way i can ammend for that specially since i am going for umrah (eg do a full 7 tawaf to compensate for it and ask Allah for forgiveness)
`Alaykum salam
Du`a is mustajab when your eyes first catch sight of Ka`aba, at the Black Stone, Maqam Ibrahim, Multazam (door of Kaaba), under the rain-spout of Mercy (Mizab al-rahmah), and after drinking from Zamzam. In Madina: Rawdah between the Minbar and the noble Grave, and it is sunnah to fast while in Madina.
Hajj Gibril Haddad