Mentioning the Prophet (s) in the Salat


Asalamu alaykum

I have a question as a convert.

Allah in the Quran clearly states as does Mohammad (s), that you should not mention anyone or thing while doing the Salat prayer, yet, Mohammad is mentioned.

Would Mohammad (s) have said his own name while reciting the Salat ?

I find this strange, the more I think about it.

I hope you can clear this up for me. I wish I was nearer a Shaykh of this Tariqa so I could learn and study more…

Yours salams


wa `alaykum salam,

That is not correct, and I am not sure where you read or heard this. The Prophet (s) specifically taught his companions to recite the at-Tahiyyat and the Salawat Ibrahimiyya during the first and second sitting (jalsa) of the prayers. One Companion stated “He [the Prophet (s)] would teach us the tashahhud like he would teach us a sūrah from the Qurʾān.” The four Imams of fiqh did not pull their specifications from their own minds but from the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (s).

For explicit instructions on how to prepare for Salat and how to perform it see this eShaykh special link.

Taher Siddiqui

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