Salaam Alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakathu,
Sayyidi I am on high doses of knlonopin, zoloft, lyrica, and seroquel. These medications are schedule IV class and are dangerous if stopped being taken even for one day. The result can be seizures, panic attack, and vomiting, muscle shaking. I have been told by clerics that i should try and wean myself off these medications. They are for brain injury, traumatic stress disorder from abuse and violence in my life and sexual abuse. What can I do for Ramadan? How can I fast? What is your advice Ya Shaykh?
wa `alaykum salam,
Follow your doctor’s advice and do not make any medication changes on your own. Ask your physician if you are able to fast.
If you must take medications during fasting hours you may fast and only break the fast for taking the medications with small amount of water then resume fasting after taking your medications. Actions are by intention. And Allah knows best.
Dr. Karim
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