I would like to know what is the proper way of asking dua and forgiveness from Allah. Also in desperate times is there any dua that can help the situation? If there is please tell me. Thanks a lot.
wa `alaykum salam,
Preferred is you raise your hands facing Qiblah, start your du`a with praises to Allah Almighty followed by Salawat upon Prophet Muhammad (s), then ask what you wish. You may recite Salat Munajjiyah. End the du`a with Salawat and all Praise to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.
Recite Shahada 3 times, Istighfar 100 times, recite Surat al-Fatiha for Prophet (s) and our Shuyukh. Insha-Allah, all your minor sins are forgiven.
Abdul Shakur