As-salamu Alaykum Ya Sayiddi,
Sayiddi I was 12 years old when hardship came into our lifes and I’m 25 now. We have been living off what we barrow from people for the past 13 years and we owe roughly $100000 to people.
Our residence status in the country( Kuwait ) we reside in is ILLEGAL and we can’t get jobs or medical assistance. Sayiddi we have no home of our own and thus we must pay for accommodation. Currently we owe almost $10000 in rent . Mawlana I beg you, pray for us and guide me. I’m the eldest of my siblings yet I cannot help my parents. Could it be we are under the influence of Black Magic. I planned to migrate to England but that does seems to be feasible as we don’t have a single dinar in our pockets.
Asalamu Alaykum Ya Sayidi
wa `alaykum salam,
Insha-Allah Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani is praying for you. This Rajab focus on `ibadah and reciting the du`a of the Saint of Rajab. With Allah’s Will and Generosity, in the 14th year things will open for you all, with barakah of our Shaykhs’ du`a.
Taher Siddiqui