Prayer Request: Brokenheart, Incompetent, Medad.


asalamalykum wr wb my sheikh, i met a girl online and talked to her without knowing her, my intention was for marriage and she was sort of intertested in me too, i had never seen someone so perfect, it hurts to know that i wont marry her and its even more depressing that i wont ever find anyone as half as good as her and that i’m physically or any other way less than her, its depressing knowing that i was imcompetent for her. i have tried dhikrs, duas, crying to allah swt,i prayed so sincerely and nothing? is god angry with me?astaghfirullah, forgive me as u can see how weak i am :(please my sheikh pray for me to come out of this misery i am in. pray i get someone better, pray for allah to have mercy on this weak useless servant of his,


wa `alaykum salam,

Insha-Allah Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani is praying for you.

The One Who created that girl, may create an infinite number like her or better, so don’t worry.  This maybe a test from Allah to cause you to realize that this dunya, and all it contains, is wahm, illusion, and that which truly will satisfy the heart is Allah and His Prophet and the awliyaullah and what they have brought us.

And Allah knows best,

Taher Siddiqui

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