Prayer Request: Young Daughter


Salam alaikum,

Respected staff and beloved Sheikhs. My 3 year old daughter has recently been waking up during the night sometimes 3 or 4 times crying and saying her heart hurts. We have had a doctor check her and said she is fine. But we are worried it may be something more spiritual any advice and prayers will be greatly appreciated.


Alaykum as-Salam,

Continue to consult with qualified medical advice as needed.Let her wear in a small locket Mawlana’s ta`weez and you may also place it above her bed. Just ensure you correct the mispelling “ya musta`an BIL-lah” يا مستعان بالله to “ya musta`an YA Allah” يا مستعان يا الله

Dispose the bed so that when she lies on her right side she is facing the qibla. Tell her it is better for her not to sleep on her tummy. At night recite the last three Suras of Qur’an and blow on her gently. Recite also this du`a often.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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