Prayer Request: Daughter not well


Assalamu alai kum,

Sheikh, I have two daughters one is 4 years old and 2nd one is of 5 months recently my younger daughter was very ill and was hospitalized for 6 days. She suffered convulsions owing to the high fever. Doctors prescribed few tests which came normal, Alhamdulilah, but prescribed epileptic medicine citing reasons that it is quite uncommon to have seizures below six months of age. She needs to undergo EEG to rule out any problem. It is my humble request to kindly pray for my daughter and also suggest some wazaif or charity which I may do in her behalf. Also I am planning to have a third kid inshaAllah and request you to kindly supplicate to Allah SWT for granting me a son as my wife already has two C-Section deliveries and this will be her last chance.

May God Bless U and confer his highest spiritual stations on you (ameen).


Alaykum Salam,

Amin and you also. Mawlana is praying for you and your daughters and family. Give sadaqa to your intention, fast when you can and trust in Allah.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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