I’m in love with my cousin and want to marry him. I thought he also loved me but he is ignoring me. My parents tried talking to his parents about this rishta but we haven’t gotten an answer. His mom always says if its meant to be it will happen. She has also claimed that he likes someone else but I don’t believe it because she also says that we should keep this conversation between us and involving a third party will ruin things. I am so confused about what is going on. Its been 2 years and I still haven’t gotten a proper answer. Please help me. I tried praying istikhara but I haven’t been getting results. I thought I had saw snow once but not sure.
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,
Insha Allah Mawlana will make doa for you. Snow means profit or cure from an illness.
May Allah cure your situation. Perform your five prayers on time.
Syed Shahzaman