Assalamualaikum Ya Sayyidi,
I am working in a BPO where it is all about making money by hook or by crook.I have guilt feeling with whatever I do but they will throw me out if I don’t achieve the targets.The corporate world has killed my conscience.
I attended a session where the Usthad was taking a session on Ihya of Imam Ghazzali (rahimahullah) and he said that profession that has barakah are the ones which are earned by physical hard work by hand. I am thinking of learning a skill known as Welding. I would like to know your opinion on this decision of mine and if it is good and I would like you to pray for me so that I have the Thoufeeq to do this course as I work during the night and sleep during the day. I have become physically,mentally and spiritually very weak.
Medad Ya Sayyidi..Medad!
`Alaykum Salam,
You are on the right course and Mawlana certainly prefers handiwork. Also, the baraka of income is in the daylight hours. In the meantime, arm yourself with dhikr for protection and support in your current employment.
Hajj Gibril Haddad