Prayer Request:
As-salam alaikoum dear shaykhs,
I am writing you today to request a prayer in order that hapiness can be brought into my life, a happiness that can, in turn, be spread around me. I am a Lady of 41 years old and never been married. I have been loving a man in silence for many years (not married himself), and although we are not at all in a relationship for the moment (he is absolutely focused on his carreer, gone in another country), my intuition never stopped saying to me that he is the one destined to be my husband. Around 2 years ago, I asked Mawlana Shaykh Hisham about this man, and he said not to forget about him. But nothing happened. The dream of my life was always to be a wife and a mother. Now that I am a Muslim, it seems even more important to raise a family in the warm traditions of our Prophet’s life. My heart is bleeding of too much loneliness and constantly praying that this man is kept safe. Please pray for me and advise me with your lights.
May Allah keep us all in His Love.
Long Life to our Shaykh
wa `alaykum salam,
Nothing ventured nothing gained. It is not wrong for a woman to approach a man, for our Lady Khajidah did just that with the Master of this life and the next, the Light of Creation Sayyidina Muhammad (s). Tell this man of your interest and see what the next step will be.
Taher Siddiqui