Prayer Request: To win mothers love


Salamu alaykum Shaykh Hisham and Shaykh Nazim,

Can you please make dua for me to get the love of my mother and to get rid of al walidayn? Djenna is under her feet. She is my ticket to Djenna and its so difficult to get my mothers satisfaction. I want to be the best daughter for her and my father. Please make dua for me and all muslima daughters with there mothers also. Djazaka Allah Shaykh. May Allah send me to you one day.

Wa salam


Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm

Wa alaikum Salaam,

Your intentions are good and correct, May Allah accept from us all. May Allah keep you connected to His Friends here and hereafter.

Wallahu Alam,

Kamau Ayubbi

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