A job and success

Prayer Request:

Salam ya sheikh.

I’m in need of your duas, as I’m really struggling. I joined university but I could never complete my course for some reason and always failed. Now 5 years later, I’m even unable to get a job.  Please make dua for my success and good job



May Allah help you to overcome obstacles and find small successes that lead to larger ones. Recite 7 times Surah Fatihah on the intention of what you are trying to achieve with small tasks and larger ones and work on it all to your best ability. The virtues of Surat al-Fatihah are well known in Quran and hadith. Scholars such as Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al Haqqani have said Surat al-Fatihah makes what is difficult easier.

Wa Allahu Alam,

Kamau Ayubbi

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