Prayer Request: Evil eye from others


I’m currently surrounded by many negative people and negativity. I’m in the process of taking my LSAT Test in order to get into a great law school, however the evil eye, jealousy and envious people have been dramatically affecting my ability to concentrate. Please pray for all these negative people and everything negative to stay away, so that I can be successful and at my best. The evil eye from these people has affected my academic and financial success. I need to be able to fully concentrate on school without worrying about financial security. Sadly, I’m surrounded by people who wish for me to fail.

audhu billah mina ‘sh-shaytani ‘r-rajeem,
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

Try to spend time alone in rabita with the shuyukh on a daily basis. Sit in a quiet place. Recite shahada 3 times, Astaghfirullah al `adheem wa atubu ilayh 200 times and Madad ya Sayyidi Madad al Haqq 200 times, with breathing to calm your mind and heart. From there recite dhikr and ayat that come to the heart. Insha-Allah this will improve you and clean you from negativity.

wAllahu a`lam.

Kamau Ayyubi

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