Prayer Request:
assalam-u- aliakum,
To all staff of shaykhs. I was in the sohbat of peer brother and peer sister and was very okay, but some evil thought confused me . Still I connected with sohbat then one day one evil thought that was abusive words continuously in my mind. And day by day I became very weak, dark circles appeared on my eyes, then my behavior became worse. Without permission i went in zikr than peer sister and brother also face trouble because of my acts, then my father prohibited me to go in zikr. Now I became very confused that I become non Muslim because of this abuse words (waswas) even in worship. Now i left zikr, tahajut namaz . What can I do to become normal …. I need help, please help me ….. Please do dua for me to become normal again….jazakallah.
`Alaykum salam
Protection is in the Jama`ah. Focus on Mawlana Shaykh and don’t worry about the rest, in sha Allah you will be OK.
Hajj Gibril Haddad