Prayer Request: Feeling Destroyed and Lost


Assalamu alaykum,

Thank you for helping us by wise piece of advise.

I really do not know what happened, but I was successful, had a good job, we are with my husband helped our parents, but suddenly everything comes against me. I lost my job and can not find anything within the last 3 months. My husband is working but that will not be suffice for living and helping parents as they really need our help.

I feelĀ  destroyed, always sleepy and weak, like I do not have bones. I never felt that before. I found some interesting jobs, and was selected but at the last stage it was gone and come negative answer.

I recite Sallamun qawlan min rabbin rahim – 1768 times but it doesn’t help. I think there is some negative energy from those who can’t see our happiness and success.

Thank you in advance.


Alaykum salam,

No it helps a lot to recite as it protects from a bigger loss you do not see. Continue and be patient until Allah send a change for the better, He loves patience and good cheer as it reflects trust in Him.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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