Prayer Request: Find a job and have your blessings


Assalam aykum,

I would like to ask MSH and MSN to pray for me. I am in a desperate search for jobs that can pay back my debts.My stay here in the usa had troubled me a lot financially. I should be traveling back home soon, so I am taking the opportunity to ask for your blessings in doing so. Pray for me, pray for your mureed ya mawlana, I have the intention to slaughter a sheep and feed the poor because your blessings(with Allah’s permission) have saved me miraculously from my advisor’s teeth. May Allah raise your ranks here and hereafter. enlighten me and be with me. Barakatukum ya Akhiar Er’ridjel


wa `alaykum salam,

Insha-Allah Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani is praying for you. As you saw, the baraka of the Shaykhs’ du`a is something tremendous.

Worry less about debts and more about your faith condition, and Insha-Allah as soon as you can return home it is best, for the West contains too many deadly traps for believers.

Fulfill your intention of sadaqa as soon as possible and do not let your nafs play with you on that.

And Allah knows best,

Taher Siddiqui

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