Prayer Request: For The One I Love


Aslaam aleykum,

Ya Sayadi, a humble request for prayers for the guy I love… There is a lot of distanace between us and I feel he is very weak. Please make dua for him that May Allah SWT strenghtens his faith and imaan, and he doesn’t fall into shaytans trap.. Make dua that InshaAllah Mawlana finds him an he is guided before he falls. I feel he is on the verge…Please make dua that, if him and I are menat to be, Allah opens a way. If not then may Allah send his kismat and may he always be happy & settle down, inshaAllah.. JazakhAllah for everything.


wa `alaykum salam,

Based on what your fear is, I suspect he is already “far gone”. Ask Allah swt to open his heart by reciting “Ya Fattah” 100x daily. If no change by Eid al-Adha, then it will be better to turn to your parents to assist you in finding someone suitable for you, who is religious and spiritually oriented, insha-Allah. Our criteria is not how much we love someone, as that might in reality be mere infatuation, but rather “is he going to be good for my faith?”

Taher Siddiqui

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