Prayer Request: I need a direction, I feel lost


Salaam eshaykh,

-I feel lost. I’m in school but my mind is astray. Right now it is like pounding left and right (my brain).
-I had been thinking on what to major; actuarial math or teaching cert. in math.
-I had been thinking if I should switch schools.
-Now, I’m alone, lonely.
-I’ve been planning but nothing seems to work out. I feel like quitting..
-I’ve had so many troubles since the transit I made in [private]. Started with a lost wallet by a mosque. But I did receive a huge help at that time by fellow muslim travelers.
Could you give me answers to all these, please. And please pray for me.
inshaAllah, in this level of your service, a high maqam is provided to you.
Thank you. I really appreciate it.


wa `alaykum salam,

That feeling is from Shaytan because in reality you are doing well and he is not happy. Focus well on your studies so you finish school quickly and begin working. Teaching math benefits many; actuarial math is benefit for insurance companies only. Don’t switch schools; it is only another distraction.

And Allah knows best.

Taher Siddiqui

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