Salaamun Aleyk.
May Allah give Mawlana Sheikh long life and good health and raise his station.
It seems that as soon as I am motivated to defy my nafs there are a lot of distractions for ego. I get a lot of attention from girls. This affects me the most and i was asking is there anything for me to read/do to control this or stop them from looking.
Along with this could you please pray I succeed in my exams and use my future career in the way of Allah. Also is there anything i could read to better my memory and make my exams easier.
Finally, pray that I get married soon to a person who Allah and his Habeeb s.a.w are happy with
May Allah send limitless rewards upon you All
Many Thanks
Forgive me for any disrespect.
Wasalaamun Aleyk,
wa `alaykum salam,
Of course Shaytan will do anything to distract. Just ignore them and recite Astaghfirullah.
Refer to this posting about memory and studies: Prayer Request: Devastated due to memory power.
Abdul Shakur