Prayer Request: Jinnat


Asalam to all very respected shaykhs.

My problem is that I’m recently diagnosed by our local amail that I am possessed by two non-Muslim jinns from long time and they started harming me and my family in different ways. These jinns believe in hazrat shuaib and they are not willing to leave me as I am well practiced believer who love Allah and his prophets, but still I have this kind of problem. This Alim says that we have to burn these jinns but I still need your duas and support. Please reply me on urgent basis. What else i can do? Please don’t forget me in your duas.


Salam alaykum,

Give sadaqa, make bayaa to Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, recite the beginner’s
devotion described at and wear his tawiz. In sha Allah
you will improve. However, as Hadrat Shuayb (alayhis salam) commanded
his people, you must be strictly honest in all your transactions/business.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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