Assalamualaikum wr. wb.,
May Allah bless Mawlana Shaykh Nazim and his secrets, and may he be blessed always with a good state of health insya’Allah.
I have a bad habit of masturbation since my late teenage years, but when I took baya’ to Mawlana, alhamdulillah it stopped for a period of time. However, bit by bit I started falling back into the sin. I’ve tried to fast and engage in dzikr to rid myself of this sickness but my nafs always takes hold in the heat of the moment and I fall back into sin. I feel really helpless and weak in overcoming this sickness as I keep falling back into the sin. I feel really ashamed with Mawlana that this is happening with me. Please ask Mawlana to make dua for me and if there is a way for me to eliminate this sickness from my life.
Wa `alaykum Salam,
Refer to this posting.
Abdul Shakur