Prayer Request: husband to get legal papers to stay


As salam u alikum wa rehmatullah wa brakatahu
Please I have a prayer request since the resistance is strong, I lost so much money and energy. We married Islam way and in law of my country, but he is not yet allowed to stay, many difficulties. So many that it sometimes make me speechless. And so much little miracles that it makes my heart rejoice at the mercy of this. In every trial there was help and in this was blessing- alhamdullilah. But i see myself be victim of the shadow of fear, I am tired and I ask myself do I do something wrong and am I too negative? What makes this resistance? Please pray for us. We be together and he will/can stay in my country – inshallah.
Thank you so much


`Alaykum salam

Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani will pray for you and says to recite 100 x Hasbuna Allah wa nia`ma ‘l-Wakil and 100 Astaghfirullah each day.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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