Lost Focus

Prayer Request:

Assalamu-allykum ya Sayadi ya murshidi.

I am a weak servant, so weak that I am highly inconsistent. I seek your prayers, guidance and help. Apparently, I am a guy who has a good source of income, takes care of his family, kids and tries to do Silla Rehmy to the max. But internally, I feel shattered, uncertain, lost focus and unsure of my future. This thing has started affecting my career which is getting me in a deep problem. I keep forgetting the knowledge that I had and as a result I am losing focus in my job. Sometimes my mind runs faster than me and I couldn’t translate into my actions. I seek your help and prayers and please tell me what I should recite so I can overcome this critical situation. Please make du’a that Allah forgives me and lift all the problems that I am having.


wa `alaykum salam,

Insha-Allah Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani is praying for you.

Taher Siddiqui

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