Prayer Request: Marriage


Salaam anlaykum,i am Muslim, i have studied many schools of Islam likeĀ  Sufism, Sunnism,and Shiism.

all my life i have been a liar,deceiver,all my relationships i have cheated..but i met a girl,who is my girlfriend,since then,i have stopped liying,stopped deceiving and cheating..i have done all this,in order for God to be happy with us..

now we are parting ways,i met here here in Malaysia,but knew her from long ago,as she comes to my country in Africa (Burundi) from time to is going back to her country (Canada),and never come back here,and i had planned my future with her,to study together in Malaysia and marry her

it is so complicated now,she is leaving to canada,and she is not coming back here neither Burundi..

I am heartbroken,but i still have hope as she tells me we will make it even with distance.i need help for us two..please do pray for us



wa `alaykum salam,

Insha-Allah Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani is praying for you. Now you have decided to leave wrong actings, insha-Allah things will get better.

Taher Siddiqui

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