Asalamu alaykum,
I’m completely lost, I find no joy in anything worldly or deen based. I have stopped praying, I have stop making dhikr and I’ve stopped making dua.
I’ve made dua so many times that I’m starting to question whether or there is a creator istaghfirullah. Nothing is going right for me. I’m angry at everything and everyone. On the outside I look together and like I have everything but I hate life. I find myself praying for death and praying that there was a restart button. I have so much anger especially towards my father because I feel like if I wasn’t so obedient and attentively listening to my father I wouldn’t be so empty and shallow today. I’m literally behind people my age in every aspect of life. I look like a person who is a believer but I’m a big munafiq. Please make dua for me.
Try to be thankful to Allah Ta’ala for His blessings. Say “AlhamduliLillah wa shukruliLlah” at least 100 times a day. Even if you are angry and not sincere, Allah likes to hear it from His servant. And say 100 times “AstagfiruLlah.” Try it for 40 days; it will have a beneficial effect, insh’Allah.
Wa salaam,
Abdul Haqq