My Family


Assalamu alaikum,

Please can you help? A few months ago I had the most sudden and distressing realisation that me and my family needed to change to become better Muslims, but I am so thankful to Allah (swt) that I was blessed with a chance to try and do better. Every day is hard. I’m alhamdullilah making changes, but I worry so much for myself and also for my family who have not experienced the same change in their hearts. It hurts when I think of what may happen to them, and me, as I understand we are to face some difficult times. Please could you advise me on what I can do or read or anything so we can move forward as a family. My parents are such good people and i’m the oldest of 3 daughters so want to help my sisters too.

JazakAllah khair.Answer:

`Alaykum as-Salam,

Recite ya Tawwab x100 every day to your intention and try in some measure to follow Mawlana Shaykh Nazim’s recent advice for the month of Shaaban:
<<You should recite lots of salawat as it is the month of Prophet (S)
You may recite salawat 100 to 1000 to 10,000.
They should make tawhid (recite La ilaha illaAllah) from 1000 up to 100,000. They should recite Suratul Ikhlas 10, 100 to 1000. Let them recite Ayat al-Kursi 40 times.
For Ikhlas we said 100 – 1000. Tawhid, either 100, either 1000 or 100,000. They may recite Allah’s Name as many times they like. Either 10,000 or 5,000. By tongue and by heart.
If anyone has prayers to make up, at least one day they should spend in making qada, “make up” prayers.
Anyone who has fastings to make up, if they like they may fast the whole month.
Those who have nothing to make up, they may, for the well-being of the ummah and for the honor and greatness of the Holy Prophet let them recite salawat from 100 to 1000 times up to 10,000.
Those who owe anything to anyone from Ummatu Nabi, for that intention, they may fast or make salaah and send the rewards of the prayers to them.>>

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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