We have been married for 7 years. We have two kids. From last two years my husband has change a lot. He keep on telling me he doesn’t want to be with me. For few months he is okay then, he start saying again “I don’t think it will work between us.” He feels like he missed out a lot, since we got married too early. I finally left our house and I am at my parents house right now. It’s been two months we are separated. When I left home he had my older kid and I have younger one. He wants to split the kid and keep the older one. I filed for custody recently. His whole family is against me. Please I need a dua to save my marriage and have my husband back.
There is no ‘too early’ in a short life so that is not a valid excuse, especially after years of marriage with children so it is just shaytan interfering. Bear with patience and turn to Allah, all support will come to you in sha Allah. Recite x100 daily Hasbiya Allah wa ni’ma al-Wakeel and ya Wadud.
Hajj Gibril Haddad