I have already asked this questions twice and I feel really awful for bothering the staff. But I can’t really talk to this about anyone really. Waswas has been troubling me for 3 months and recently I found out that negative energy is in my house and on my family, except my mom. I wear a taweez and I even had a wazifa given to me by a murshid and I wear the taweez from the website. Sometimes I feel really strong to combat it other times I feel really depressed. My head gets soo full of questions, doubts, and worries that I get series of headaches. At one point from stress I got indigestion. I have awful nightmares and whispering through me even when I’m asleep. I have been praying very continuously and very diligently and being very patient. Please help me find a solution.
Continue, it will make you gradually stronger. Trust in Allah Most High and let your dhikr be your first words upon waking and your last words upon sleeping. In sha Allah you will prevail.
Hajj Gibril Haddad