Assalamu alaykum yaa sayidi Mawlana Shaykh Hisham, wish you long life and good health
I’m having an issue with weight in my office is in the defamation of embezzling company money and I did not do it, until now this problem continues to roll and make my tortured mind, how do I deal with this all yaa Sayyid, while I have no power at all because the I face all in the top level, I feel very depressed now, I want to resign but I worry with the majelis khawajagan that I lead in my office, what should I do Mawlana? may I stop working? I really need prayers and your help and your support to finish from this problem as soon as possible and ended with a victory, any zikr for me to help me finish this problem ?
Mawlana yaa thanks for the prayers and help.
wa `alaykum salam,
Insha-Allah with the baraka ofMawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani’s du`a this issue will be resolved in your favor, and you will be vindicated.
Taher Siddiqui