I have done bayah with Sheik Nazim right after seeking permission from Allah in Istikhara and I am so happy that he is with me. Unfortunately my close relatives become very angry with me when they see me devoting my leisure time in awards and zikrs. Most of the time they forbid me to devote my leisure time in Zikr and Awrads which are obligatory for me. I face criticism. I often become emotionally distressed when the say such things which causes quarrels between us. I have started wearing the Taweez by Sheik Abdullah to get rid of such evil disputes between us when I saw an article in website
Question. Taweez wearing is right or not for such type of protection? Please answer me.
wa ‘alaykum salam,
Yes, the tawiz is protection for any kind of problem and difficulty.
Try to avoid making a show of your new-found piety and connection to the Shaykh, as that maybe making people feel competitive or deficient and thus shaytan prompts them to object. Instead keep yourself “normal” and keep your spiritual ways to yourself, insha-Allah, the opposition will then go down.
Taher Siddiqui