Assalamu’alaikum wr wb, Mawlana Shaikh Hisham Kabbani qs,
May Allah grants long life to Mawlana Shaikh Nazim qs and also Mawlana
Shaikh Hisham Kabbani qs, Hajjah Naziha and all family,
Mawlana, Please pray and bless us, May Allah swt grants us healthy
dzahir,bathin and istiqomah in our amal and ibadat
Mawlana, please give prayer for my wife, because according to medical estimates the next few days my wife will give birth to our first child, hopefully later on normal birth process and ease. prayer if what I have read in a time like this? and after our son was born what should I do?
is there any prayer that is read after the call to prayer and iqomat? so that my baby is protected from ugliness, and please give the best name for my baby later?
Thank you,
Wassalam wr wb,
`Alaykum as-Salam, Amin, and to you and your family also.
Read Surat al-Balad x7 and give sadaqa for easy delivery in sha Allah. If a boy offer `aqiqah of two goats or sheep. You may name him Hasan or `Abd al-Karim, and ask Allah Most High to make him one of His righteous servants (salihin) and the happiness (qurrat `ayn) of his parents.
Hajj Gibril Haddad