assalamualaikum ya Sayyidi
In few times ago I ask your guide and prayer through this web with subject “want to get married but confused” (was approved), then I choose one of them, but her parents disagree.
One time when I read a suhbah, in my heart say “keep calm with her”
On the other time, she ask with subject “please help me!!!…” using my account and until now unanswered.
One week ago I am also sent request with subject “afraid”
This day, she sent me a message that she was scolded and beaten by her parents. please help her ya Sayyidi,
What should I do? Should I leave her?
You know (me and her) what the best
Now I am trying to istiqomah recite “ya Lathif” 100x and “Fussilat, 41:35″ 3x every ba’da sholat
wa `alaykum salam,
Keep what you are doing.
Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani