Ya Sayyidi Ya Mawlana Shaykh Hisham, Alhamdulillah, fitna against me & my wife is beginning to end, after almost 6 months. Insha Allah I follow your order in my dreams and recite what was written on eshaykh by other shuyukh. Then the situation begins to get better.
Insha Allah, I don’t have anger anymore for the person who made fitna against me. But the problem now, my wife is still can not forgive that person. My appology ya Sayyidi. For can not teach my wife according your instruction in my dreams. Perhaps because I can not be a good role for her with my behavior.
Please pray for us. I am not good in doing ibadah. Many prayers are missed, also sunnah ibadah I used to do. If it is like an exam in college, I will have an F for my exam.
Forgive me.
Wa alaikum assalam,
Alhamdulillah. Keep your prayers no matter what, it is very important.
Success is from Allah,
Ali Elsayed