prayer request


Salam Alaykom wr Sayyidi!

once again this weak and sinner is bothering You, I’m very happy from my Life, Allah has given me everything Alhamdulillah… I’ve just started my Uni and studying a 3/4 yrs Civil engineering course, plz tell Mawlana shaykh Hisham to pray to graduate my course successfully & for being steadfast on Deen, pray so that I may not fall in any illegal sexual intercourses and also to plz pray for the guidance of my family…
JazakAllah khairan

May Alla bless shaykh Hisham, all other shuyukh and eShaykh staff


wa ‘alaykum salam,

Insha-Allah Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani is praying for you.

You should have your parents seek a suitable partner for you and at least get engaged with the intention of nikah as soon as you complete university, or better, while you are in the university. The walima can be postponed until later. If they don’t understand the pressure you are under, take your father aside and explain it. Ask him if he prefers an “educated” son who has done fornication, or son who is pure and kept from all haram?

Taher Siddiqui

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