Prayer Request: prayer request for a friend to return


I had a friend who i was close with ( a non muslim) but when people found out (Jealous people) and after sept the 11th he started to distance himself. can you tell me if there is a duwa or istakhara i can do or can you do for me so that i can understand why i have lost in touch. was it destiny or was it because of evil people. Please can you guide me i really was you guidance as i always though i would one day marry him but instead i feel confused why this happened?


wa `alaykum salam,

Perhaps it was destiny to take you away from that man and so you could focus towards someone who is Muslim and would benefit you for your hereafter. 10 years is far too long to be pining after a lost love, so better to move on and Allah knows best.

See the post Shaykh Gibril: “To stop caring and forget

Taher Siddiqui

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