Asalam alaikum,
I want to know apart from Ayat ul Kursi, is there any other dua or verses Mawlana Hisham would recommend to keep ourselves (women) safe from rape? Today women are being raped on the streets and I request this dua/verse to be read so all my sisters can benefit through it.
Can you please make dua for me as there are 3 people in my office who keep staring at me.
Secondly, I keep getting dreams of numbers 21, 22 and 9. They pertain to Surah Anbiya, Hajj and Tawbah. I read istigfar everyday even before getting these dreams- what is the meaning of those numbers? I’m confused.
Alaykum Salam,
Read Surat Yasin every morning and Surat Tabarak every evening for protection. Find another job if you suspect co-workers of plotting such evil.
The numbers refer to Surat Tawba verses 21-22 and it means excellent tidings and husn al-khatima for you in sha Allah.
Hajj Gibril Haddad