Dear Shaykh, Assalamu alaykum,
Many years ago, while under the heavy influence of much black magic, I was, I believe, raped by a shaytan and other jinn, more than once. As a result my soul is in commotion…can’t be still with Peace.
Can you please advise me something to help my soul become still with Peace?
I already do the Daily Awrad, pray 5 times a day, wear hijab and do extra dhikr and I have tried to get married for the last 22 years but marriage won’t happen for me.
I am sorry for my lack of adab. May Allah SWT be pleased with you. Aameen.
salam `alaykum,
Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham will pray for you insha-Allah.
See the Post “Request for black magic” which also applies for jinn attacks for protection.
Recite Ya Salam 100x daily for peace of heart.
Ya Musabbib al-asbab, ya Mufatihu ‘l-abwab iftah lee khayru ‘l-bab, 100x daily with intention to find a righteous husband.
And Allah knows best,
Taher Siddiqui