Please make dua for me [private], so that i can find the right man and be married, my age is catching up and i want a halal relationship, plsssss help me.
Walaikumas Salam Wa Rahmatulah,
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,
Mawlana is praying for you. Trust in Allah and keep on reciting before Fajr prayer:
A) Shahada 3x (Ashadu an la ilaha illallah wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluhu)
B) Subhanallahi wa Bihamdihi subhanallahil-`Azheem astagfirullah 100X
C) Astagfirullah al-`azheem wa atubu ilayhi 100X
Then perform Salatul Fajr (2 raka`ts sunnah and 2 raka`ts fard)
D) Recite “La ilaha illa anta subhanaka innee kuntu min az-zhalimeen” 40X
E) Recite “Hasbunallahu Ni`mal Wakeel” 70X
F) Recite Darood Shareef 10X
G) raise your hand and request Allah Subhanahu wa T`ala for a good husband and good children.
Insha Allah you will get married according to Allah’s plan.
Syed Shahzaman