As-salamu alaykum:
Al-hamdulillah I have had the opportunity to visit many of the Moorish places of Spain and since returning have decided to try to do something to help the descendants of Europeans (aka “Westerner”) such as myself to realize the richness of the Moorish Islamic heritage. Recently I discovered a book written in the 15th century by a Moorish Shadhili faqih and although my skills are not sufficient I wish to help coordinate a translation of this text for the benefit of Latino and Western Muslims in particular. Please ask Shaykh Hisham al-Kabbani an-Naqshbandi for my permission to undertake this project and for him to pray for our success in this matter.
Barakallah feek
wa `alaykum salam,
Insha-Allah Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani is giving permission for this excellent project, and praying for success, as it is much needed in a time when Islam’s image is being darkened by the actions of a small but dangerous minority.
Taher Siddiqui