Salamou alaykoum wa rahmatulah wa barakatuh,
My mother is someone who lives in the past. She had become very bitter despite my attempts to share spiritual knowledge. She wasn’t educated and resents her parents for that and many times she throws her anger at everyone. I can handle (Mashallah) difficulties for I was blessed with understanding. I would like to request a prayer to heal my mother’s heart and help her accept Allah’s (swt) will. She is not a bad person just very angry. Please pray for her.
Jazakallahu kairan
Walaikumas salam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu.
Insha Allah Mawlana Shaykh Hisham is praying for your mother. Let her recite 100x Ya Halim and 100x Ya Hafiz every day if she is able. If not you may recite on her behalf with the intention to calm the anger down and send the blessings of the recitation as a gift to the Holy Prophet, sallal lahu alaihis salam.
Syed Shahz