Prayer Request: return of son


.assalaam alaykum wa rah matullahi wa barakaatu sayyidi shaykh hisham efendi … wa sallallahu ‘alan nabiyyil ummiyyi wa ‘ala aalihi wa as haabihi wa salim tasleeman katheeran... please make dua for me to be reunited with my son ali.. we were seperated soon after his birth and he is now 8years old he has not been permitted by his mother to have a relationship with me or my extended family mother father grand father.. his uncle’s and aunts and his other sisters and brothers.. his mother stubbornly wants keep him away from us out of spite to me and to make me suffer… we have been patient for these years and now that he is of an age where he could live with us . i would like this very much and hope that allah subhana wa t’ala would like this for us too..


wa `alaykum salam,

Insha-Allah Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani will pray for you to be re-united.

Recite hasbunallah wa ni’ama ‘l-wakeel 100x per day on the intention to be re-united with your son in the best way.

Taher Siddiqui

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